
Burning crusade dungeons mage drops
Burning crusade dungeons mage drops

burning crusade dungeons mage drops

After 20 enemies are affected by damage, the 21st and beyond enemy is unaffected by both damage and spell effect (slow) and can approach the mage at full capacity. Please introduce a hard cap to damage provided by AOE effects at 20 enemies. The use of the spell Flamestrike, whose ground effect is not affected by this AOE damage cap, has allowed mage dungeon testers to continue the same 500 enemy Maraudon pulls they were already providing. At first this sounds like it will break the mage dungeon meta, but testers have already theorized it will not. In TBC, a new mechanic is introduced to channeling AOE effects which splits the total damage after 10 enemies are affected. I don’t personally support the paid boosting service, but this isn’t about my feelings, it’s about business, and mage dungeon boosting is affecting your bottom line. This mean they’re selling the gold to the player, and getting that same gold back from the player, in an endless cycle which harms the community at large.Īdditionally, the dungeon boosting meta makes your in-game boost less attractive since players can just get mage boosted to 58 in a weekend. The dungeon boosters themselves are often selling the gold they make providing the service.

burning crusade dungeons mage drops burning crusade dungeons mage drops

The dungeon boost leveling meta in Classic WoW has been one of the two largest influences for players to purchase gold from shady RMT websites.

Burning crusade dungeons mage drops